

你还可以通过冰和热来缓解背部疼痛。一种或另一种以不同的方式为不同的人服务并不一定比另一种更好;这才是对你有用的。不过,有一些要点要记住。一种是每次使用20分钟左右。你不想交替使用它们,所以选择最适合你的。如果是冰的话,一次20分钟。你可以把装在冷冻袋里的豌豆放在冰箱里,然后当你需要的时候,你可以把它放在你的下背部,这是一种便宜的方法来让你的背部变冷。另一种方法是走出去买塑料的,凝胶填充的包装,在大多数药店都有卖,它们可以用来加热或制冷,你可以把它们放在微波炉里,或者放在冰箱里。但感冒的关键是一次20分钟; every other hour is about the time limit that you want. And the time is important because less than that you're not going to get the real effect and more than that you're going to counteract the effects that the ice helps with, which is to decrease swelling and inflammation. On the other hand, heat which can also be used about every two hours for twenty minutes at a time. Moist heat is better than dry heat and if you are going to use dry heat such as a heating pad, one very important thing to remember is don't go to sleep with the heating pad on your back, even if it's on low and fall asleep on it because the heat effect is cumulative and you can get very severe burns just from a heating pad on low that you slept on at night, overnight. So never do that and never, never fall asleep on a heating pad.
