Finding effective treatment for chronic pain especially chronic back and neck pain, can be challenging. When surgery or other treatments have been unsuccessful or are not an option, spinal cord stimulation or peripheral nerve field stimulation therapy may offer relief and improved daily functioning.

The medical literature has shown that spinal cord stimulation is potentially effective for a number of chronic pain conditions, such as back pain, neck pain, and complex regional pain syndrome, that have not been helped by other treatments.1个






Other potential advantages of SCS include:

  • Adjustable pain relief.Pain varies widely from person to person, and even within a single individual at different times. The number of pain adjustment options on the hand-held controller continues to grow as new models are introduced. In addition, some models adjust automatically to the person’s movements. Having control over pain can be a welcome change for those dealing with a chronic condition.
  • Minimally invasive procedures.There is typically just one incision needed—to implant the generator—and ever-smaller generators do not require long incisions. The placement of the leads with electrodes is typically done with a hollow needle, rather than through an incision. It has few side effects and is easily reversible; if it doesn’t work or is no longer needed it can be removed.
  • Reduced opioid use.The pain relief experienced with spinal cord stimulation and peripheral nerve stimulation may allow people to take fewer pain medications. Results in the medical literature show that more than a third of one study’s participants having high-frequency therapy reduced or stopped takingopioid medications.The study’s participants had been in chronic pain for an average of 13 years.2个
  • 有针对性的疼痛缓解。脊髓刺激不是服用影响全身并导致困倦、便秘或其他与疼痛无关的问题的药物,而是只在需要的地方提供疼痛缓解。
  • Limited or no side effects.该疗法没有与许多药物相关的副作用类型。
  • Cost-effective pain relief.研究人员发现,与脊髓刺激相关的成本与其他替代方案相比是有利的,包括非手术治疗.,


  • 替代口服药物。这种疗法为那些problems taking oral medication.

    Treatments for Dysphagia

  • No refills needed.The pain relief from spinal cord stimulation can continue for years, without a need for new pills or frequent office visits.

Spinal cord stimulation does not eliminate all pain, but has the potential to significantly reduce the pain. Achieving this level of pain control and cutting back on—or eliminating—reliance on prescription painkillers makes the therapy helpful in some situations.



  • 一。Verrills P,Sinclair C,Barnard A。慢性疼痛的脊髓刺激系统综述。《疼痛研究》,2016年;9:481-92。
  • 2。Kapural L, Yu C, Doust MW, et al. Novel 10-kHz High-frequency Therapy (HF10 Therapy) Is Superior to Traditional Low-frequency Spinal Cord Stimulation for the Treatment of Chronic Back and Leg Pain: The SENZA-RCT Randomized Controlled Trial. Anesthesiology. 2015;123(4):851-60.
  • 三。Grider J, Manchikanti L, Carayannopoulos A, et al. Effectiveness of Spinal Cord Stimulation in Chronic Spinal Pain: A Systematic Review. Pain Physician 2016; 19:E33-E54. ISSN 2150-1149.
  • 四。Liem L, Russo M, Huygen FJ, et al. A multicenter, prospective trial to assess the safety and performance of the spinal modulation dorsal root ganglion neurostimulator system in the treatment of chronic pain. Neuromodulation. 2013;16(5):471-82.