

第一。“我有什么?”Your doctor should be able to explain to you what is causing your complaints.

二号人物。“这个问题会是永久性的,还是会自行改善?”Well, if it's not going to be permanent, and if it can get better on its own, probably the risk of surgery is not something that you need to undertake at this time.

3号。“对于我的问题,我还有什么选择?”Often times, there's more than one way to do an operation, and depending on your individual situation, there may be surgery A, B, or C that might be more beneficial for you. Please have the surgeon explain what your options would be. There's more than one way to do any particular procedure, and there are more options for any one particular procedure.

我想问的另一个问题是,“这个潜在的手术的结果是什么?”Many of you have heard from friends, family, that spine surgery has lots of risks and you don't do very well after the operation. That is true in certain circumstances, but in the vast majority of the properly selected patients with the proper problem, surgery actually is a benefit. Our goal as spinal surgeons is to see who would benefit from what type of procedure and in what scenario.


最后你应该问的是,我告诉每个病人他们应该问这个,“如果我是你的妻子或丈夫或儿子或女儿或母亲或父亲,你喜欢他们,你会对他们做同样的手术吗?”You need to ask the surgeon would they have that same operation for themselves or their family members. If they can honestly say "Yes," then I think they're giving you a true assessment of what's going on. If they say, "I'm not sure," then you better also pause.