




Types of Spinal Stenosis

Depending on the location of neural compression, there are two general types of spinal stenosis—foraminal stenosis, which affects the spinal nerves, and central canal stenosis, which affects the spinal cord and/or the cauda equina.


椎间孔狭窄can cause nerve root compression in one or more of the following 3 areas:

  1. 之前到达椎间孔(侧隐窝狭窄)
  2. Within the intervertebral foramen
  3. 离开椎间孔后不久(远外侧狭窄)


Central canal stenosis

Read more about中央管狭窄症

It is possible for foraminal and central canal stenosis to occur together, causing the symptoms of both conditions to occur.6


根据不同的类型,症状和腰椎管狭窄症的症状可局限于特定区域的一条腿或影响双腿在同一时间。如果坐骨神经根被压缩,症状被称为sciatica(或神经根病),通常影响较低back, buttock, thigh, leg, and possibly the foot.


Lumbar foraminal spinal stenosis symptoms

  • Radicular pain,它起源于腰椎的来源和沿受累神经的路径行进。通常根性痛的特征在于一个或多个以下78
    • 夏普,烧灼和/或在腰背部,大腿,小腿疼痛拍摄,和/或脚
    • 在较低的背部,臀部,骨盆后方和/或背面和侧面大腿钝痛,酸痛
    • Cramping in the leg and foot
    • 疼痛可能与长时间站立或活动期间,诸如行走或向后弯曲脊柱发生。9

    Read moreRadiculopathy, Radiculitis and Radicular Pain

  • Loss of sensation,如麻木,销和 - 针,和/或在大腿,小腿和脚的一个或多个部分刺痛。78
  • 弱点腿部肌肉的,使得难以移动的腿和/或脚在不同的方向。67
  • 足下垂,which occurs if the L5 spinal nerve root is compressed and results in the inability to lift the front part of the foot.10

    看到What Is Foot Drop?

  • 刚性in the lower back.8

Because foraminal spinal stenosis affects a nerve root on either the left or right side of the spine, the symptoms are felt in the left or right leg, along the path of the affected nerve.


  • Neurogenic claudication,描述一组特征为灼痛和在臀部,大腿,小腿和痉挛,同时静置的时间和/或行走长时间症状的术语。人们体验神经性跛行的沉重和疲惫的双腿的感觉,难以提升/运动腿走路的同时。
  • Abnormal sensation,如刺痛和/或销和 - 针在两条腿的感觉。11
  • 弱点,resulting in an inability to move or lift the legs.11
  • 步态问题that typically involve an unsteady, wide-based walking pattern (walking with the legs wide apart).11
  • 困难的平衡由于不是稳当的感觉。12

Read more about中央管狭窄的症状


Progressive compression of the spinal cord or cauda equina can cause conus medullaris syndrome or马尾综合征,造成腿,肠和膀胱功能的丧失。立即就医需要手术解压缩这些神经组织,防止永久性神经损伤。

腰椎管狭窄症的症状可能会有智慧h some periods of more severe symptoms and some with fewer or none. The symptoms may or may not progress over time. The severity and duration of lumbar stenosis symptoms vary between individuals and often dictate whether非手术治疗要么spinal surgeryis more suitable.


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